Jan 9, 2009

Greetings from work

Internship makes me fat.

Seriously I think I've put on some weight. And it's only my first week. Gosh. My house leader just double confirmed with me, I definitely have gained some weight. I am F-A-T!

How could I not be fat? Lunch is provided and Aunty Mary prepares at least 3 dishes every day! And her cooking is yummy and all four of us tuck in our meals like a pack of hungry wolves (literally heh).

I'm an intern for a production house called Reservoir. And my boss is hot. He got that tanned and gruffy look like he just woke up or something all the time. (don't worry Superman I'm still very much in love with you but eyes tend to go astray sometimes heh)

And currently with no production going, I just rest my ass on the big comfy office chair and stare at my Mac whole day. How not to be fat you tell me? -_-"

Oh and on my first day of work, my supervisor asked us to help ourselves on the booze! Did I mention that we have a whole lot of Absolute Vodka and Black Label and whole lot of other compounds with -OH properties there lol. We are so blessed. Hallelujah. Amen. Ang gong po pi. Insya-allah. (did I get the spelling right? I hope! haha)

But of course, we are interns with intention of getting an A for this industrial training. Therefore I shall refrain myself from any sinful temptation in the office. Did I mention that both of my bosses seldom comes in the office? Shiats!

Will post up pictures on my hidden paradise soon! Gotta do something bout my current sundae craving ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so gonna tell them about THIS blog. hahaha..then you're a piece of dead meat!! and all alco will be yours cuz you wouldn't want to know what's gonna happen after that. hahhahaha..