Jan 24, 2009

Let's have a quickie

Not that kind of quickie excuze me please.

Just a quick post while I'm physically in Teluk Intan. YES I'm back bitch, after two long years.

And I am blogging right from Kelly Heng's yellow room on her small table with a whole lot of ugly pictures on the wall (okay I think you catch the drift already hor).

During the car ride everything felt so nostalgic, I kind of miss this old small town even though half of the population consist of old folks and another half, well, you can meet most Teluk Intan peeps on the streets of KL. And I'm actually serious. -_-

But I won't be staying long here though. Just a couple of hours (god forbid it) for awhile before I continue my journey to Penang.

Adios ppl! Happy New Year!

p.s. : I am so happy now that I saw the quick link from Kel's lappie to The Absolute Room! Absolutely esctatic that at least I know I got one loyal roomie hehehe..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i bookmark-ed ur blog also ler...:)

Anonymous said...

yeah..teluk intan roxx
