Feb 27, 2010


My cousin sister has her group of schoolmates sleeping over for a couple of nights now. A bunch of younglings (I like the sound of that. Make them seem a lot younger than they are :p ) from Penang, and I do notice the generation differences between them and my batch. Well maybe it's not fair for me to judge them like that, but look, I merely categorizing those kids according to my observations. For one, I notice being born three years after me, they are a bunch of brave kids. Not shy at all. Greet me and talk to me as if they have known me for years. Not that it is a bad thing. They have great PR skills, no doubt. Just that, if I turn the situation around, and if my friends and I were to be them, we would probably just keep our mouth shut, force smiles if needed, and just greet them parents.

Correct me if I'm wrong buddies.

All talks about the younger generation of Penangites reminds me of a conversation I had with Celeste(another fellow Penangites, only a couple of years older than me hahaha). We were both in her car, heading to the mall in Penang when the fashion topic came up. Generally, I think (very important to emphasize on 'I think', before anyone decides to bash me up heh) Penang girls have a theme. I've seen the pattern among my cousins. Denim mini skirts and sneakers. Tank tops and shorts. MNG preferably. (I am freaking serious).

I'm not saying I don't own clothes like that. I do. In fact, I'm always with shorts. But when one is in Penang, one could see almost every friggin girl dress like that. KLites however are eccentric in their fashion senses. KL peeps want to be different, unique, emphasizes on individualism very much. I, for one, think that Singapore girls are fabulous dressers. If there's one thing the girl's here are good at, it must be the eyes for great clothes.

The only question I have would be, how come Penang girls are all skinny bitches? Don't they see food everywhere? :S

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