Apr 14, 2010

Mind over matter.

I've been whining and complaining bout how bored and lifeless I am for the past few hours. What I failed to realize was how blessed I am to be able to spend some alone time and do some soul-searching.  It's pretty amazing how loud your mind speaks to you when the night seems dead and quiet except for the occasional sound of cars speeding by. Now my mind is telling me to write my thoughts down, as thoughts are roots of ideas and I will not know how amazing those ideas would turned out until I pen them down.

I was doing a little research when I came across an article about how our mind can make us and break us. The power of the mind is needed to be focus and determined. However, more than often, our mind also generate a hundred excuses for us to fail. I know this seems like pretty deep stuff (and no I am not trying to be philosophical here) but it's not! To put it in a simpler way, to quote the example from the article, if I said I wanted to work out at 7am in the morning everyday, everyone would be like 'woah, no way you can wake up for it man'. There! Don't you see? You want to do something but your mind tries to break the idea, even though in this case, your friend's mind trying to suggest it to you. What we need to do is to set the idea in our mind, lock it down and throw the key away. Try to do this at home. Set a task for yourself. Something that you have been meaning to do but you just have no time for it. This time, give yourself no excuses. Whenever your mind tries to suggest you something else, brush it away. If you want to do it in the morning, wake up for it. Even though it's freaking 7 am, screw sleep! If you want it bad enough, don't let your mind win this time.

Now it's 3am in the morning but I'm going to be up at 9am to do 100 times of sit-ups. Cos I want to. It's all in the mind.

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