Dec 30, 2008

One time diva

Beyonce, JLo and Mariah. What do they have in common here? They sing, they act, they're definitely hot and very much have the right to be a diva. In which I don't.

I may go OTT sometimes; the things I do, the clothes I wear (but not my makeup! no!) aaaaand I could be your drama mama every now and then but I do not act like a diva.

Except for once. Heh.

And that would be few months back when I was planning for my birthday celebration. Nothin lavish really, just a couple of best friends and their respective 'spouses'. But it was my 21st birthday and I wanted it to be extra special. Thus I thought it would be a great idea to bring the party to Republic Sunway since none of them has been there before.

'Absolutely perfect', I grinned to myself.

So that night I put on my La Senza night gown which doubles up as an awesome dress (a gift from the girls) and headed out to Republic. Everything was fine until we reached there, and Republic seemed to be far too crowded for a regular Saturday night. I marched straight to the entrance and I was told that there was an event going on. Entry by invitation only. -_-" Great, just what I need for my 21st birthday.

We settled on the outdoor dining area. Samson and Estranged could have all the space they need inside Republic. But somehow, the setback had done its damage. I was no longer happy chirpy but moody. It was so crowded inside and out, that the waiters were super slow. I was fuming by then and I marched right up to the bar and demanded my margarita tower to be done immediately! I've been waiting for my drinks for more than 45 minutes and I've had it. Apparently the bartender sensed that too and he made my drinks on the spot. But the taste was blah. The margaritas were too sour and I can't taste the tequila at all. And I think the bartender would fit all the ice in the world in the tower if he could.

I guess being a diva doesn't help at all. And I can see on their faces that my friends were not enjoying themselves. There goes my 21st birthday. Every hope for it to be perfect was ruined.


I got a phone call. I walk to a quiet place before saying hello. 'Happy Birthday to you', the familiar voice said. 'Omg mom!' That's my mom wishing me happy birthday. My mom who barely speak English. And she stayed up just to call me when the clock strikes 12 midnight.

Then I broke down and cried. I couldn't hold it back! That's my actual diva moment. I was touched! The diva broke down and cried on her 21st birthday. I guess the phone call was a wake up call of some sorts. There's no point choosing the best place or acting like a diva to get the best table or drinks. There would not be a diva without my family and friends around me :)

As for the rest of the night, the mood seemed to pick up right after that. And I've certainly enjoyed myself after a Flaming Lamborghini. Heh.


So there you go. My most diva moment.

This post is intended for

courtesy of

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