Mar 4, 2010

I love old books more than I love men.

Today I had to run some errands and I made a dash to Bras Basah Complex. For those who don't know, Bras Basah Complex is an old building, famous mainly for art supplies and the huge Popular bookstore. I had a few titles that I was looking for but the fact that I am still unemployed made me think twice before spending my moolah away. Jodi Picoult's 'Handle with Care' can wait.

But. Yup, there's a but. I walked passed a lane with stores that sells second hand books. I told myself, the fact that I'm already here, wouldn't hurt to walk in and take a look. Might as well, right?

Last week I was reading 'The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield, and even though the beginning was super slow, but once I got into Chapter Two, i was hooked. Basically it's about a pair of odd twins that has the extreme character of one another. And in this story, the storyteller in the book (I hope you're still catching on what I'm saying) was a fan of two classic tale; namely Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. I still remember finish Jane Eyre in a day (my best friend emmy lend it to me, I think I nearly blinded myself reading that book). It was a dark tale for that era, but very interesting concept nonetheless.

So back to my story, I walked into the bookstore that smells like a bunch of old books. It was hard trying to locate any book as everything is scattered all over the places. I walked into the classic literature section and voila! First book that caught my eye, a yellow old cover illustrating Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I secretly grinned to myself and can't help but think this bookshop has its way to make me find the books that I've been wanting to look for. Cause right beside Wuthering Heights, I saw another book, and my heart stopped for a second! :D Now I think I'm in love again.

So the Indian bookstore keeper sold me two old books for SGD 16. I feel cheated in a way. Guilt stricken at the same time. But for now, at least I know I won't sleep alone at night.

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