Mar 9, 2010

Must be the feng shui mannnn

Being in PJ just made me happy trippy.

This afternoon, I received a very important call from singapore, confirming my employment in their company. Thus ending my agonizing, nothin-better-to-do days! :D Yippeee! I can't express how happy I am right now but if you got Skype maybe I can show you! :))))))))))))

I called home to Singapore first, then texted Adam to inform him bout the good news next. And the funny thing is that both of them tell me the same thing, "We should celebrate!". Haha, lovely idea, but maybe I'll hold that thought till my first paycheck, alright guys? :P

There are a thousand things to do on my to-do list right now.
Like, the taiwan snowflakes i've been wanting to have since months back. And also tong yuen in ss2. My favourite restaurant serving the best carbonara ever. Mamaks! Gosh I missed mamak-ing till the next morning. Shisha! (even though I only tried once or twice but I'm in the mood for shisha right now). I need to see all my friends again cos I miss each and everyone of you.

But I shan't plan, cos best things happen when you least expected it :)

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