Dec 13, 2008

Chaos in my mind

Yeah that's how I felt today. Everything is so bizarre. Crazy and so overwhelming at times. So don't mind my ramblings. Here comes the verbal diarrhea people.

I had quite a rough day at work. Kei said I'm being too hard on myself. I don't think so. I mean, I think the problem lies in me. I slacked, like, a lot. :( Tell me, what's the possibility of calling 200 (or more) Penangites and get turned down 198 times? I seriously don't care much about the commission. But suddenly, for the first time, I'm mad at Penangites. Don't get me wrong, I hail from Penang too! But, but, fucking hell! Penang people are damn stingy okay? Saying no because there's no food? Telling me you'll be going out of town padahal I can clearly spot you lying about it? It's a freaking seminar, not a vacation you are paying for!

I thought caffeine will do me good, but I ended up with a major headache after two cups of coffee. And I can't sleep! And the headache turned into migraine-like (think cold feet, nausea and loss of appetite). I tried to sleep it off, but I just can't. I ended waking Superman up, and cried. I was like, 'wtf am I crying?' but I just can't stop. Gosh i sounded eerily like I were possessed. But thank god for him, he took controlled of the situation, stopped me from crying and took care of me. And the migraine ended, just like that :)

Then we headed out for my course mates birthday party. Damn chaotic right, one second I'm so stressed up, next second I'm out to party. It's not the typical party that you've already pictured in your biased mind. It was more like a celebration with friends and family on his 21st birthday. And his cake was pretty huge!

After the birthday celebration, I came home with the rest of my housemates and we made sure the party did not stop at that point. We came home with beers, and played cards. Everyone is such a pro at this point which proved Viwawa is the ultimate training centre lol.

A couple of beer supposed to have sleep inducing effect but now I'm still wide awake. And being awake in the middle of the night makes you think a lot. Like the what's the coming exam questions, and what Xmas gift should I get for my dad? And when will she return my money? And why did I lend it to her in the first place since I'm so broke myself?

Tell me people, am I just stressed up or am I going cuckoo?


G-Han89 said...

Eh..rilek la..
make calls only ma , at least u got 2 person who don't turn you down , i made 200 calls and all failed .. lagi jialat

Anonymous said...

chill chill girl. i myself didnt make any sales for the past 14 days already.js wna kill me already.zzz

Anonymous said...

hmph! i'll rather be making calls ok, sister. i want to murder eehwa already.