Nov 13, 2008

Come out and play

What you'll get when you mix one group of talented musicians and one massive flea market with fabulous clothes and vintage?

One BIG crazy, artsy fartsy party filled with shopaholics!

From the brilliant people who brought you the famed Urbanscapes!, here comes U.O.X Play : Block Party!

not their official poster but oh well :)

I just found out U.O.X stands for University of X. (non related to X-Men there, sorry X-Men fanatics lol) But I think it's a pretty cool idea to gather people around to party!

Basically what U.O.X Play : Block Party has in store for you is a series of mind-blowing events starting from November and it's happening all the way till January. But what's coming up is the event on this weekend at Cap Square, KL!

Map to Cap Square for clueless people only

I'm going just because Koko Kaina is going to perform! Nooooo, please don't tell me you've never heard of Koko Kaina! She is one petite singer with a voice that will melt your heart. Seriously. I've seen her perform once and the crowd was wild! She's our own Youtube singer that made it big in LA. Check out one of my fav songs by Koko Kaina, Darling it ain't easy.

For others that have zero interest in music and homegrown acts (ada lagi ker orang cam tu? do tell!), there would be a showcase of live graffiti arts and Marketplace by Tongue in Chic & Threadszoo. Also, if you have any old clothes that's been in your closet for ages, never been worn, sometimes you assure yourself someday you get to wear them with other pieces but the day just never came, pieces that are too precious just to throw them away(girls mentality, yes i have the same syndrome) hence the exploding wardrobe. Here's a chance for a spring clean for your closet : Donate them to U.O.X Play and at the same time buy pre-loved items from Rm5!

Remember to bring enough cash shopaholics!

Date: 15th November, Saturday
Time: 1pm onwards
Venue: UOX Play at Cap Square

RSPV at their FB Group. More info at KLue and TiC. See you there peeps! :)
*p/s : all photos shamelessly grabbed from U.O.X Play Facebook Group*

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