Jul 22, 2012


Last night i was talking to a dear friend of mine, and she commented that this blog is dusty. Huff puff and off you go, dust!

Today i hissed at my man because he gave me a lame excuse that he is tired, therefore he can't make the trip to the cafe nearby to pack me food. Of course, he is terrible apologetic at his insensitivity when i pointed out that I was tired and I did his laundry ANYWAY. What's with men and chores? Bah.

Negativity aside (I promised not to blog about anything upsetting because, well, personally i hate to be reading emotional statuses/blog entries because EVERYONE has a bad day of their own, you know?), I had some time to myself this weekend and watched a lot of TV. So i would like to recommend a couple of mindless tv shows that you should watch.

1) Jersey Shore - if you're into bimbos, dramas and lots of sex, this reality show is perfect. There are so many senseless fights and senseless sex (pun intended) that i find this show funny, and mindless.

NOTE: I like to use 'mindless' as an adjective here because after working your brain to pulp for 5 days in a row..mindless sounds so fitting :D

2) Running Man - a really funny and exciting variety game show. It's made by the Koreans. 'nough said.

3) Bones - US Crime TV gets better and better. Watch Bones if you are into crime solving - detective kinda show. It's in the seventh season now and I get such a kick out of watching skeletal corpses and grimes.

4) Who's Still Standing? - US TV game show that throw trivia questions at one contestant. That one contestant has go through trivia battle with 10 strangers for 1 freaking million dollar and that gets me shouting the answers on the edge of my sofa!I'm watching it right now, and it's taking me forever to finish writing this.

5) Undercover Boss - the only show you get CEOs to go undercover as a new employee and spy on his company. Each episode varies from one company to another, so it's a hit-or-miss kinda show but so far I've enjoyed the episodes on Hooters and Chiquita (A large distributor of bananas and other fuits in US).

As you can tell, im a sucker for reality TV and i have a hard time removing myself from the sofa once i have the remote control in my hand. I'm sure there's more to add to the list, so let me know by commenting. Now let me finish my show and i'll talk to you later.


1 comment:

loopy said...

So efficient! :D Good review on the shows! By the way, Suet transferred the Running Man shows to me. Feel free to save those from me when we meet, if you need to. :)