Mar 25, 2010

You Funky Thang

My sister is a household freak. She's like the perfect housewife that every guy should kidnap and make her wifey (but of course, now that she's married, too late! boohoo! :P). And she loves to buy household goodies. Now that she left the whole house to her sister (thaaaaaat's me! ala amanda bynes show. siape rajin tgk tv mesti faham haha!) for her honeymoon in Hong Kong, it's up to me to mengada with her kitchen appliances. 

So one day I found a funky little thing in the kitchen cabinet. I don't know what is it called, but I know what is it for. Though I have to admit I have never seen such clever invention before and my sister actually bought such thang.

So! Here's a step to step guide on how to use 'That Funky Little Thang' :D

Object of the day, told you it's funky!

Subject of the day, Mr Vitamin C.

Here's how you're supposed to wear it/use it. Just, try not to wear it out to Barsonic okay?

The whole thing is made out of plastic, but the little jutted out edge at the bottom is pointy enough to penetrate through Mr Vitamin C's skin. Now start from the top...

...drag it all the way down. And repeat from the top again but this time creating a new cut.

And tadaaa! No need for squishy squashy mess and samurai knife technique to cut your oranges. Now you can have the whole orange without breaking your nails! Yippeee!

If you are lame like me, where everything seems to amuse me right now, you can even do some artwork with it! (Ini sign for radioactive hahaha!)

Now can someone tell me what do you really call that 'funky little thang' in real life? (I don't live in real life. I live in wonderland haha why am i so lame)

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