Nov 12, 2008

FEMALE goodies

It was one hell of a weekend filled with drama-traumas, day activities, night outs, etc etc. And yet in the midst of chaos, somehow I managed to slip away in order to spend some time alone. Saturday morning, i woke up early and jumped into a cab and headed straight to 1Utama for the Female Magazine event. Alone. Yes, i'm a little nuts just like that.

Upon reaching there, the crowd was insane! Everyone was in a bee line to go somewhere at some point. So much for my 'me-time' :( But that's where the fun starts!

I got on stage yo

I got my goodies bag (in fact I got two!) and talked to some random strangers (while I was waiting in line. To do what, I don't know. I just lined up just like everyone else lol) and this was the exact conversation that took place.

Lady : So did you managed to get the door gift?
R : What door gift? Oh the Triumph Sports Bra? No, I must have missed that
even when I came really early!

Lady : Oh if you really wanted the Sports Bra you have to be here at least at 9:30
R : Uh what? I thought the event starts at 11:00?
Lady : Yeah, but there's a strategy for that!
Her husband : She's been to so many, she's a pro already.
R : -_-

See those pink bottles? Apparently they are collagen drinks.
Can anyone tell me whether would I die from consuming them?

Random stuff they gave, from mouthwash to shoe spray.
Tiger balm in a packet! How cute is that?

FEMALE knows what a woman wants

Everyone's such a champion there. So i stayed a little while longer sitting by the stage, just to join in the hype. They were having lucky draw session and out of nowhere, my name was called! Shiats! Why did I go alone? *smacks head* So i went up the stage and got this..

My sweet ass thanked you enough :)

Best in the bag. There's 12 packets of rubber duckies in there.
And i got two boxes of these!
Don't envy.

So back home i found all these little trinkets in the Female Goodies Bag. *Big grin* Quoted from Pei Yee, 'I love goodies bag because you know you'll never have the same luck in lucky draw!'. Well babe, i got both! lol! Okay this post is getting boring so tata now!


Anonymous said...

i wan rubber duckies.....i

Anonymous said...

i'm already jealous >.< hahahahaha. have fun at uox

Anonymous said...

i prefer intimate pads :D