Nov 18, 2008

Rock-a-bye baby

I just had the weirder dream. It's a continuation of my weird dream I had few months back. The dream's about me discovering U.F.O(s), seriously, and I'm not fucking with you.

I could roughly recall my first dream where I saw a flying saucer entering the sky from a twinkle. And how I manage to convince another girl (I do not remember who) to join me and observe the U.F.O from far (apparently the U.F.O was lingering around the hill area). And the whole thing is so Area 51. Fuck, i sound like a random episode from X-Files now.

Then just now it happened again. Such surreal dream where I saw another U.F.O! I ran all the way back to a house/hangout place/lab/please choose one cos i can't remember, and told Kel about it! But i was there to convince Yee to go with me. Before i proceed let me clarify why I was looking for Yee since Kel was there too. Ever since back in Standard Five, every time when we had to fill in the ambition report card, and ever since Yee changed her ambition from astronaut to model to scientist and finally she made up her mind to spend her rest of her life in lab. And she's a CSI fan like me too! So back to the dream, i managed to drag her to witness the U.F.O at work, building something and the funny part was, I could see the little person operating that flying saucer. It was a a Malay lady in yellow baju kurung. And somehow she noticed my presence and I kept as still as I could. And someone said something which goes (not Yee, i do not know who popped up out of nowhere) : Her skin (the alien) has skin like she just photoshopped herself heavily!

The rest of the dreams went a little blurry so I guess that's all that I could share with you guys. Two continuous dream with the same theme. Damn weirded out.

I wonder if it's a sign?


Anonymous said...

dun und O.o

Anonymous said...

babi...y im involved in ur weirdo dream pulak??zzz..sumore remember my ambition..wuahahaha..cant imagine if i were to be an astronaut nw..wuahahahahaha...

Rach the Lee said...

If you were to be an astronaut now, you could be eating nasi lemak in the outer space now. hahaha!