Feb 13, 2012

To the procrastinator in me

Hi there,

I believe i've spoken to you often enough, but I have never written to you, until now.

And I feel that there's a need to do that now, at 1am, on a Monday, so that I can remind myself about this for the next five days.

There's no need for introduction for you. You're famous. My family members know you, heck, they see you more than they see me. Loops, of all friends, should remember you, as you were big part of the cause of our 6 months dispute. I, personally know you inside out, and I despise you.

Here's why: You're the reason my desk at work is cluttered with post-its. You distract me by making me spend hours shopping online (and not buying anything) and I ended up rushing the last hour at work, doing actual work. You are constantly dragging my feet, telling me it's okay to lie on my bed for another hour.

You were the cause of my depression. Mood swings. Making me feel like a loser and constantly be ashamed of myself.

Yes, I have grown. I'm not afraid to deal with you anymore. In fact, I admit, I am very comfortable being you. But enough is enough. You're pulling me back from who I want to be and I vow to put a stop to your wrongdoings.

Come on, let's compromise. We all have that procrastinator lurking inside us. Just don't show up from Monday to Friday and come the weekends, procrastinate all you want! I promise I'll let you sleep in all day!

Baby steps. Let's start from now. Let's go to bed, no more typing and shouting inside my head. You can't procrastinate sleep, can you? In a few hours, let's get up on time to catch the train on time, and be at work on time. You'll get your rewards at the end of the week.


Your other self who is one step away from success

1 comment:

Ellpwhy said...

I just read this! How could I. Heh..shoo procrastinator in you..and me too! 6 months dispute..hmm..get over it laaaa..lol.